Entering the Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster
Business Awards 2024
We are excited to be celebrating & rewarding business excellence in Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster and across London.  Business awards are a brilliant way to create connections & build reputation with other local businesses and can be a wonderful recognition for the entire team. Being nominated for, or winning an award can confirm credibility, create extra brand awareness & even generate addition revenue. Here are a few helpful details and tips on entering the Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Business Awards 2024 –
Key Dates to Remember
The closing date for entries is Friday 5th July 2024. 
The judges will review all of the entries on our Judging Day, which will be held on Wednesday 17th July at Holiday Inn High Street Kensington.
The shortlist of Finalists will be announced on Friday the 29th of July
Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at Porchester Hall on Thursday 17th October 2024. 
Frequently Asked Question’s
Who can enter the awards?
These awards are open to any business in the London area. You can enter yourself or nominate someone else.
What is the involved cost?
There is no cost to enter a submission for the awards. There is a cost to attend the Awards Ceremony. Tickets will be available nearer the time and if you have entered the Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Chamber of Commerce team will be in touch to let you know when the tickets are available.
Which category should I enter?
There are usually multiple categories that you can enter…and you are welcome to enter as many categories as you wish.
Be sure to understand how the criteria differs, tailoring your entries to the individual categories.
What information should I include?
Each category will have specific questions, so it’s good to make that your entry covers everything that the judges want to see. Alongside the figures and data to showcase your success, it’s good to include the passion you have for the business! Showcase your business’s best side with clear examples.
How much information can I include?
Although there is no set limit on word or character count for the questions, it’s great to keep your entry concise, relevant & full of personality!
Who judges the submissions?
An independent panel of judges will consider each submission and vote for the winners of each category. The judges reserve the right to re-categorize entries if they think another category would be more suitable. The judges’ decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding them.
​If I can’t attend the awards ceremony, will this impact my chances of winning?
Absolutely not! You are welcome to ask someone to accept the award on your behalf. If this is also not possible, should you win, your award will be sent to you after the Gala Awards Dinner.
Who shall I contact if I have any more questions?
If you need any further assistance, please contact us at Team@KCWChamber.org
Rules of Entry 
Your business is welcome to enter more than one category, if this is applicable to you.
Any entry may be withdrawn for any reason up until the shortlist is released upon written request to the organisers.
Sponsors are not permitted to enter the category that they are sponsoring.
The Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Chamber of Commerce may reach out to you to request interview follow ups for social media content. We will never ever use anything without your permission/consent as all submissions are treated with the strictest confidence.
By entering the Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Business Awards 2024, you agree that we may contact you about upcoming events.
Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony and further communicated via social media once the announcement has been made on the evening.
Entries close at 12pm on Friday 5th July 2024.